detail if base

spring 2022
About me

My name is Jack Wiley Baker. I had a wonderful golden retriever named Kamissoko. She was very kind and patient with me, but she really loved my mum most. I have a new dog named ILyas. I get .25 cents a day to feed her. If I do it 7 days in a row, I get $2.00. It started when my gram was rehabbing with us. I got .25 cents a day if I played backgammon with her, and $2.00 if a play 7 days in a row. She fractured her patella, that's why she was with us. If gram did her excercises each day mum would give her a thimble of scotch. One time gram wondered aloud why she didn't get .25 cents a game. (Mum's eyes rolled to the back of her head.) I also have a little black cat named Chorten, and she's taught me how to 'friend' a cat. I have a horse named Rascal who is very kind and gentle as a big pet can be. I ride and play with Rascal- an Appendix; Sky- a Chincoteague Pony; and Jasper- a Mini Horse. Recently, Rascal had a tooth extracted. I have a lot of fun at the barn. I love to ski and love the air. I play tennis, ride my bike, and have recently taken up skateboarding. Some of my names have gone away, but new ones have emerged like Dobbie (the free elf), JBA (Jackie big air) or JB on the soccer field, when there are a lot of Jack's.

My mom likes to keep busy and has a need for creating, and I've become one of her subjects. We like to laugh in my family, thus the silly videos. Sometimes I hear her laughing as she makes them... (Personally, I think she could do other things with her time).

Summer 2022

Target Practice

My Grammy visited me. She has difficulty walking, bad balance. She can be fun. This was my way to connect with her.

April 2024

Summer 2022

Rosemary Bowl

I compete in "B" level moguls. As a "B" skier, I can "step up" once to compete in "A's" and not be penalized. So I tried the Rosemary Bowl, which was at my mountain, as a "step up". This course was used the prior weekend for the World Cup Moguls. And the pitch is a sustained 28 degrees and a couple of meters longer than the World Cup run in Deer Valley, so there's an intimidating piece to skiing this course. I fell on my second run, but my first run put me on podium for second in my age group. The next day I had another comp, but on a "B" course. I was nervous on both courses, but my team stays together.

February 2024

My season has (almost) ended. It was a weird season for competitions. Many comps had just 1 run due to weather, i.e., wind, fog and crazy snow. My mom simply says, "climate change". Still though, I learned a lot. Here are highlights of my season.

Ski Season 2023-24

Summer 2022


I got braces. My mom didn't think I'd be excited, but I was.

Until I wasn't.

January 2024

Summer 2022

Gustin Ceramics

I worked a full shift, and even stayed on into the next shift. I stoked the side chambers of the anagama and side chambers of the soda. I also helped Poppy when he check the coal bed. Poppy and everyone else are super supportive of me, and my mum lets me eat anything and all of the junky food. I think that's one of the reasons I like the firing so much. But really, it's everyone and I've been at the kiln for my entire life. Beginning in diapers and with nap breaks.

Over Time: Me & the Anagama

November 2023

Family picture

November 2023

Summer 2023

Summer Fun

I had a great summer. I smashed my summer reading in no time. I had a book everywhere I went, even when I was at Mt. Hood! I landed my first front flip on to an air bag and continued working on my tricks. Tennis was so fun, and I spent a lot of time with Charlotte. Dillon came for a few days, and my british cousins as well. Mom and I got our full moon sails in, and I am now commandeering Last Resort.

Bag Camp & Mt. Hood

Summer 2023

Summer 2022

Junior National Championships

I qualified for Junior Nationals at Copper Mountain. Mum and dad came with me. It was really fun, and I learned a lot.

National Academy

From Copper, my mum and I headed to Big Sky. We skied together for a few days and then she attended National Academy and I did some big mountain skiing.

April 2023

Summer 2022


I went to visit my cousin in Switzerland. We did a lot of things, and we laughed a lot.

February 2023

Summer 2022

Young Guns: Eastern Freestyle Championships

I qualified for Eastern Freestyle Championships and had fun. I landed my 360-Japan Grabs on both the mogul and SlopeStyle course. Next year, if I qualify, I'll compete in Juniors!

Here's a glimpse of my regular season.

March 2023

Summer 2022

St. John

We decided to go to St. John for Thanksgiving.

November 2022

Summer 2022

Fall Firing

I made some pieces for Poppy's kiln. I did a shift with my mom, and, for the first time, I threw wood!

November 2022

Summer 2022

Summer Fun

The bookends to my summer were airplanes. I went to a Change of Command Ceremony for a favorite navy mom, and my British cousin graduated from grad school. Bike riding, horses, camp, sailing and swimming happened all times of the day.

Summer 2022

Family picture from Jene and Willie's wedding in NOLA...

June 2022


Spring Firing

Epic firing at Poppy's kiln. I worked a 12 hour shift with my mom. I had a lot of fun with the dogs, made new friends and worked hard.

May 2022

Family picture

May 2022

Parlor Skis

National Academy

Me and my folks went to Big Sky. My mom and I skied together for a few days, then she joined her National Academy group and I skied with coaches from ski school. I laughed a lot, learned a lot and started landing 540's, switches and lots of box stuff. It was my 6th Academy. Many of the National Team members know me, and are really nice.

My three favorite things were the terrain park, my coaches and the outdoor pool. My mom would say it was skiing with me, skiing with her group and the Lone Peak Tram.

Just about me, my skis and air

April 2022

Parlor Skis

Ski Season 2021/22

My ski season's almost over. I've worked hard, had fun and stayed safe. I'm working on being gracious. It's hard for a 9 year old, but I'm up for the challenge. I went to Eastern Freestyle Championships at Bristol Mountain, stayed in a house on one of the Finger Lakes with my friend Jack, and had lots of fun.

I went to Big Sky with my mom and skied together for a few days. Then she joined the National Academy group, and I skied with coaches from ski school. I laughed a lot, learned a lot and started landing 540's, switches and lots of box stuff.

I had some tough days

Christmas 2021
Christmas 2021

Christmas & New Years 2021

My British cousin and his girlfriend came over for Christmas and New Years. They gave up the pubs for a couple of weekends and took COVid tests 9 days straight to ensure their and everyone else's health. We went skiing for a few days, had raclette, went to Westport where everyone else jumped in the river on New Year's Day. There was no way my little body was going to do that. We had awesome fireworks and an amazing walk on Horseneck Beach.

Christmas | Waterville & Westport

Family picture...

September 2021

Seat Down

A Silly afternoon in Westport

Two of my uncles are twins. They regress when they get together. We went to Shiprock where they performed some tricks.

August 2021

Family picture...

July 2021

Parlor Skis

Parlor Ski Company

I remote schooled all year. Grammy stayed healthy, as did the rest of us. As a commemorative activity, my mum and I built a pair of skis together. I did the graphics. It was amazing.

June 2021

National Academy

National Academy 2021

Awesome time at National Academy. I schooled in the morning and skied in the afternoon. Not bad for an 8 year old. Moreover, I got to ski with my mom and other 'A-Lister' skiers.

April 2021


Ski Season 2020/21

My mom wasn't sure that the ski season would happen. I schooled remotely and skiing is super social for me, and we needed to be COVid safe, especially with Grammy in our bubble. But it happened, and boy was it fun this season. First, our 'Ski Club' expanded from mum, Ilyas and me, to daddy, Grammy and Di. We found a sweet little spot we call headquarters for Ski Club, and we can go snowshoeing right outside our door! I started in mum's race program, but Hannah coached me on jumps and that was it. I joined some of my other friends in a freeride ski club. But I really liked the kids in my mum's program too, so some afternoons I'd ski with them.

Next stop, National Academy...


The Barn

I started riding early on during the lockdown. Because I'm doing 'remote school', I got to go to the barn a couple of times a week through the Fall. Miss Kathy taught me a lot. We play games on the horses. Some days my friend Charlotte would come, other days my friend Ellis would watch with his mom. Charlotte was really scared at first, but now she enjoys sitting on Rascal, Sky and Jasper.

December 2020

Family picture...

September 2020


Summer 2020

My family bubble was about grammy, and it was really fun. I wasn't able to do my tennis camp, but I sure did a lot of other things. Charlotte was named my 'summer sister', I had a lot of fun with JohnJohn and Hunter (my mom really likes Narda, their mom), and I started riding.

lockdown Easter

March 2020

I did a lot of things during lockdown. My mom and I read 45 minutes everyday and we got through the entire Fluffy series! This is what made me a Super Reader. We also did some home kitchen experiments that I wrote about.

  • We started Breadmaking
  • We had some Kitchen Fun
  • For the end of the year I wrote an opinion piece for Mrs. K

  • October

    February | St. John 2020

    Always a new adventure, and always super special...


    Fall 2019 | My first stoke at Poppy's kiln

    Mum works in ceramics, and fires in a wood kiln called an Anagama. It's a lot of work. My mum likes to say I've been around the wood kiln since I was in a bag. That may be true with tennis, but not at the kiln. However, I have been around for a long time. It takes a village to fire the Anagama, like at least 20 people.

  • 5 days to load
  • 6 days to feed the fire 24/7
  • 3 weeks to cool
  • 4 hours to unload

  • 2019
    Mum was very busy this year...


    Mini Explorers

    October 2019

    So much fun...

    July Full Moon

    Summer 2019

    It was a great summer. I'm no longer afraid of the crabs in the crab trap and can take them out (carefully), I now take the hooks out the fish, I've taken Grammy's boat under the bridge and for a little spin (with mum and Grammy, of course), I took the LauraDee into Westport harbor and I am diving off Grampy's boat. Grammy joined us for our second full moon in Menemsha and we had lots of fun. Throughout the summmer I worked on weekend stories, my reading and math because I want to have lunch with Mrs. McDonough the week I return to school. Lastly, I went to New York City for the US Open and the theater, Frozen!

    July Full Moon

    July's Full Moon

    In search of our full moon

    This is what summer's about. We had all kinds of weather. From a sunny gentle breeze over, which is good for napping, to Thunder on Vineyard Sound and a total whiteout off Buzzards Bay. My mum caught a huge (30") Striper on our way home (in a white out with sails reefed), and was so determined that she had us tacking a bit to keep the fish on the line. When we cleaned the fish, we found the head of a sea robin in it's tummy!

    And, while we were there, I did a shout out to Martha Jones School.

    Daddy was somewhere else this year...

    May 2019


    April 2019

    National Academy in Big Sky, Montana

    This was my fourth National Academy and I had so much fun. I met kids in the outdoor pool, my friend Kristen drove down from Missoula with her friend Tyler, I danced, I skied with a group of kids for the week while my mum skied with her group and this year I rode the tram up Lone Peak and skied down! Each year I meet more people and make more friends.

    My mum loves the Academy because she skis with other strong skiers and she always loves skiing with National Demo Team members.


    Ski Season 2018/19

    I had a lot of fun at our new ski home, Waterville Valley. I joined a junior seasonal program and skied with kids all winter. My mom coached in the program. I was supposed to just ski in True Grits level 4. Instead, I would only ski in the group my mom coached. She didn't realize it but she needed an assistant, which was me. When Ilyas started joining us we renamed our weekends to "Ski Club". All the kids at 'Seasonals' liked Ilyas and she would chase down all snowballs. At the end of the day we'd go sledding and Ilyas would join us. There were a bunch of kids with sleds. It was so much fun. Then they said we couldn't sled anymore. That's when my friend Annalise and I came up with Body Sledding. On our last day of the program everyone wore a costume and we had a parade down the mountain. I wore my duck costume for the final time.

    Next stop, National Academy...

    St. John

    St. John 2019

    We returned to a different island, post Irma & Maria. canopies of dead vines were all over the island with new growth coming up from underneath. Many of the mangroves have not come back. The music and dear friends were abound. We saw many CB folks on the beach. We'd stop and chat, and reminisce about what Cinnamon Bay once was and what it meant to us. Cinnamon Bay was sad to see, especially our beloved '9D'. But, Cinnamon Bay was still our most favorite spot to swim and reflect.

    St. John

    January 2019

    My Grammy donated a parlor grand piano to her church in memory of Grampy. My uncles from London and LA came for the weekend, as well as an uncle from near where I live. It meant a lot to my Gram, and my mom thought it was very special.

    St. John

    December 2018

    New Years is fun!

    St. John

    Christmas 2018

    I love Christmas. I love decorating the house, making presents, going to school in my pajamas, making cookies for Santa and the reindeer, my christmas pageant and... waking up to see if Santa came.

    St. John

    November 2018

    Hiphop and a Saturday night

    St. John

    October 2018


    St. John

    5 September 2018

    First day of Kindergarten

    St. John

    July 2018

    Just another summer day in Westport.. a peacock wedding at River Rock


    Graduation 2018

    My graduation from the Tobin School

    Family picture ...

    May 2018

    St. John

    April 2018

    My mum signed me up for ballet...

    St. John

    April 2018

    National Academy in Big Sky, Montana!

    St. John

    March 2018

    Ski Season 2017/18, getting ready for National Academy


    Daddy had a really "great" idea and mum latched right on to it, "Let's bring Chorten to the picture taking!". Well, we did it, but it wasn't Chortie's shining moment...

    May 2017

    St. John

    St. John 2017

    About the picture: This is where Miss Mary's house used to be, and we're sitting where her kitchen used to be. She lost her home in the first hurricane. Grammy and Gramps have known her since the '70's when she was raising her four children on St. John. At the time of the hurricane she was getting ready to retire. She and her husband now live with her daughter, and she hopes to rebuild and return. You can open it in a new window, and you'll see Miss Mary's smile...

    St. John 2017

    St. John 2017

    Never did I think this would have the meaningful image and memories it has. My family has been going to St. John since the early '70's, and always staying at Cinnamon Bay. The friendships have run deep, and were tested in September of 2017 when two category 5 hurricanes decimated the island. This celebrates the St. John we knew, and love very deeply.

    Summer 2017

    Summer 2017

    National Academy 2017

    National Academy in Snowbird

    Wow-wee, what fun!
    And here's another one...Me and my friend, Dave Lyons, in Ski Magazine

    April 2017

    Jack's Last Quack

    Jack's Last Quack

    Ski Season 2016/17

    My family picture...

    May 2016

    Summer 2016

    Summer 2016

    I visited my Uncle in France

    August 2016

    PSIA National Academy
    Three years at Westwood Children's School, and I'm moving on...

    June 2016

    PSIA National Academy
    National Academy, Breckenridge

    My mum got to ski with PSIA Alpine Team members in Breckenridge, CO., all of whom share three attributes: Inspirational educators, Lifelong learners and Inspirational athletes. In addtion, there were Interski participants from other countries. Currently, the Alpine Team comprises 30 men and women selected from among the best instructors in the country. They represent the full breadth of the ski and snowboard disciplines: adaptive, alpine, alpine freestyle, cross country, telemark, and snowboard. While mum skied with them and had loads of fun, I did my own thing and had loads of fun as well.

    April 2016

    St. John 2016
    St. John with Grammy, mum and daddy

    March 2016

    My family picture

    May 2015

    detail if base

    Family photo at the kiln.

    Fall firing 2015

    My birthday
    Mum and daddy are around for my birthday, hurray!

    September 2015

    Summer 2015
    I love summer!

    September 2015

    St. John 2015
    St. John with Grammy, Miss Betty and Papa Jay

    March 2015

    My Winter
    My Winter

    February 2015

    My family picture...

    May 2015

    Garden of Joy
    Garden of Joy

    December 2014

    Little Dresser
    Snippets of being Two

    This is a long one, sorry...

    Little Dresser
    Little Dresser

    September 2014

    My Tribute to Grampy
    My Tribute to Grampy

    I spent a lot of time with Gramps. He taught me a lot. We would do projects together. I would get curious, and sometimes I made him laugh. I was lucky to have time with him.

    July 2014

    I love New York
    I love New York

    April 2014

    John Deere
    The Best Is Yet To Come

    March 2014

    Three LIttle Birdies
    My Adventure in St. John

    March 2014

    Three LIttle Birdies
    Three Little Birdies

    February 2014

    My Favorite Things
    Some of my favorite things...

    January 2014

    I was christened at Westport Point church. I looked ridiculous.

    Christmas 2013
    Christmas 2013

    My friend Betsy works for Camelbak

    December 2013

    Thanksgiving 2013

    November 2013

    Uygher Hat Walk
    Uygher Hat Walk

    November 2013

    Me & My Monkey
    Me & My Monkey

    My first Halloween

    October 2013

    Me & My Monkey
    Me & JWiley

    My little black cat's journey to friending me

    October 2013

    Me & JWiley
    Jackie Sunshine

    My first birthday that includes special people, places and achievements

    September 2013

    Jump the Bucket
    Jump the Bucket

    My summer was over and my mom just wanted to see friends

    September 2013

    Barhopping with Gram
    Barhopping with Grammy

    My Gram's game for most anything. This was a super fun afternoon

    July 2013


    Sib and Chris took me on my first overnight sailing trip. They gave my mom baby-sailing lessons, and I sailed with a truly amazing man- Sibley Reppert (my mom refers to him as 'Uncle Sib')

    July 2013

    Me and the LauraDee
    Me and the LauraDee

    July 2013

    The Penguin
    The Penguin

    July 2013

    Playdate with Kakkak
    Playdate with Kakkak

    July 2013

    Me and Water
    Me and Water

    June 2013

    Lil' Cozy Coupe
    Lil' Cozy Coupe

    June 2013

    Tumbleweed, no more
    Tumbleweed, no more

    May 2013

    My Lyndhurst Affair
    My Lyndhurst Affair

    May 2013

    My Triop to Hilton Head
    My Trip to Hilton Head

    March 2013

    Come Play with Me
    Come Play with Me

    February 2013

    Oh Look At Me Now
    Oh, Look At Me Now

    March 2013


    February 2013

    Hang On LIttle Tomato
    Hang On Little Tomato

    February 2013


    January 2013

    JWiley Comes Home

    October 2012

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